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Inputs an xts time series and outputs an xts time series whose values have been aggregated over a moving window of a user-specified length.


  agg_period = 1,
  agg_scale = c("days", "mins", "hours", "weeks", "months", "years"),
  agg_fun = "sum",
  timescale = c("days", "mins", "hours", "weeks", "months", "years"),
  na_thres = 10



xts object to be aggregated.


length of the aggregation period.


timescale of agg_period; one of 'mins', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', 'years'.


string specifying the function used to aggregate the data over the aggregation period, default is 'sum'.


timescale of the data; one of 'mins', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', 'years'.


threshold for the percentage of NA values allowed in the aggregation period; default is 10%.


An xts time series with aggregated values.


This has been adapted from code available at

Given a vector \(x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots\), the function aggregate_xts calculates aggregated values \(\tilde{x}_{1}, \tilde{x}_{2}, \dots\) as $$\tilde{x}_{t} = f(x_{t}, x_{t-1}, \dots, x_{t - k + 1}),$$ for each time point \(t = k, k + 1, \dots\), where \(k\) (agg_period) is the number of time units (agg_scale) over which to aggregate the time series (x), and \(f\) (agg_fun) is the function used to perform the aggregation. The first \(k - 1\) values of the aggregated time series are returned as NA.

By default, agg_fun = "sum", meaning the aggregation results in accumulations over the aggregation period: $$\tilde{x}_{t} = \sum_{k=1}^{K} x_{t - k + 1}.$$ Alternative functions can also be used. For example, specifying agg_fun = "mean" returns the mean over the aggregation period, $$\tilde{x}_{t} = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K} x_{t - k + 1},$$ while agg_fun = "max" returns the maximum over the aggregation period, $$\tilde{x}_{t} = \text{max}(\{x_{t}, x_{t-1}, \dots, x_{t - k + 1}\}).$$

agg_period is a single numeric value specifying over how many time units the data x is to be aggregated. By default, agg_period is assumed to correspond to a number of days, but this can also be specified manually using the argument agg_scale. timescale is the timescale of the input data x. By default, this is also assumed to be "days".

Since the time series x aggregates data over the aggregation period, problems may arise when x contains missing values. For example, if interest is on daily accumulations, but 50% of the values in the aggregation period are missing, the accumulation over this aggregation period will not be accurate. This can be controlled using the argument na_thres. na_thres specifies the percentage of NA values in the aggregation period before a NA value is returned. i.e. the proportion of values that are allowed to be missing. The default is na_thres = 10.


Sam Allen, Noelia Otero


# \donttest{

data(data_supply, package = "SEI")

# consider hourly German energy production data in 2019
supply_de <- subset(data_supply, country == "Germany", select = c("date", "PWS"))
supply_de <- xts::xts(supply_de$PWS, = supply_de$date)

# daily accumulations
supply_de_daily <- aggregate_xts(supply_de, timescale = "hours")

# weekly means
supply_de_weekly <- aggregate_xts(supply_de, agg_scale = "weeks",
                                  agg_fun = "mean", timescale = "hours")

plot(supply_de, main = "Hourly energy production")

plot(supply_de_daily, main = "Daily accumulated energy production")

plot(supply_de_weekly, main = "Weekly averaged energy production")

# }